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California is beautiful, but is everything that is not home.

IMore and more driving. This tour is like a marathon. Like a sitting marathon.

I don’t think I’ve sat this much ever. I’ve recruited the dancers (who’ve resumed the tour with us! YAY!) to help me with my sweet dance moves. So far I’ve only had one concussion.

San Francisco was a blast and a half. I can’t believe I was able to sing in the legendary Fillmore. So so humbled. I started crying before I even got on stage; obviously. I was more excited to pee in the same bathroom as Jimi Hendrix than anything else. I mean, I’m sure they’ve cleaned it since then, but whatever.

I was approached by one of my twitter “soul sisters” that night. I cry almost every show, for one reason or another, but San Francisco really made a soft spot in my already cushioned heart. She told me that she had played “Same Love” for a friend of hers, and the next day, the friend came out to her family. I’m getting to a place in my career that I’m realizing there’s no turning back now. I know it seems ludicrous to think about: like “Mary, why would you want to go back to bartending and waitressing and playing shows to 5 people at a shitty venue and getting wasted all the time?” But there’s a sort of anonymity that I won’t be able to ever have again. It’s like I’m finally committing to doing music for real. Not just having my Bachelors of Music, but doing this for my life, pursing it as a career. It’s a daunting feeling. I’m going to own it.

I am officially homesick though. Seeing Rachel made it apparent that I need to put on my big girl panties and learn how to tour like a real performer.

dreamboat, me, katie 1.0 mid-laugh, Fillmore backstage

Highlight: My boo flew out to see the show! She rented a room in a castle for us, no big deal.

For the record, San Francisco is hella stressful. If you ever considered renting a car or buying a car there – don’t.

EVEN IF IT’S A CUTE VW BUG BECAUSE YOU’VE WANTED ONE SINCE YOU WERE A LITTLE GIRL AND HAD ONE FOR YOUR BARBIES. Just take public transportation or grow wings. Had a really bad episode, ugh.

In addition to playing a sold-out show at The Fillmore, we had a day off to hang around SF. I’ve barely traveled in my life, so it was a much needed day to be a lame-o tourist.

The highlight of the day for me was visiting City Lights Bookstore, where a ton of the first beat poets used to hangout and wear weird hats. Swoon.

Somehow I ended up with a papercrane. HOPE THERE’S A TREAT INSIDE.

We’re currently in Arcata, CA. At Humboldt University. On a Tuesday. Performing at 12am. For 200 people. It’s like a bomb-ass house show. This isn’t lame, I’m just tired.

As soon as we’re done here, we jet to Santa Cruz for the morningtime. I need 20 soy latte somethings (Sidenote: I’ve been putting honey in my lattes, and it’s improved my quality of life, drastically).

We are doing something very special in the morning that I’m not at liberty to talk about- but I can say that I am living the greatest lesbian week of all time.

Also, I just found out that Macklemore’s (INCREDIBALLS) girlfriend is driving the van to Santa Cruz and letting me sleep on the tour bus, so I can perform well tomorrow. With that, I bid you adieu, and leave to answer 68 emails. Mostly from Michelle Obama. What a babe.

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