OVER 200 PEOPLE CAME?! WTF. I'm feeling so very blessed. Thank you for all the support in the world. I…
WOAH! Thank you! I receive some income from the songs I sell, so if you want to buy one, that's…
When I was 13, I used to play at the coffee shop by my house in south Everett every friday…
http://www.seattleweekly.com/2012-08-22/music/mary-lambert-new-verse-same-love/ http://www.soundonthesound.com/2012/08/21/on-repeat-mary-lambert-forget-me/ SEATTLE WEEKLY AND SOUND ON THE SOUND??? SERIOUSLY? This is insane. I have to do laundry, guys. I…
Where should I go? Do you know a booker or have a big house for house shows? Do you have…
BELLINGHAM! https://www.facebook.com/events/209907205804315/EVERETT! https://www.facebook.com/events/425046264200837/
http://ordinarymadness.org/?p=349 a great podcast by Steve Barker. Thanks for having me, Steve!