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I’m in New York!!

In the last 3 hours, I have sung almost every song about New York that possibly exists.

I’m in New York. This is bananas. I know a lot has happened in the last couple months, but it never stops me from freaking out every ten seconds. I’ve always wanted to go to NYC, and finally I’m going! I never knew that it would happen like this.

Wanz and I flew out of Seattle to meet Ben and Ryan here for a secret something that you’ll all hear about soon. I am known for having a big mouth around here, so I gotta keep the cats inside of the kennel. Or bag. Or foot out of mouth. Choose your idiom!

We’ll be here just until 5pm tomorrow, and then we have to book it to Philly to perform at TDA. Don’t worry New York, I’m coming back for your cocktails. Next week, actually when we perform at IRVING PLAZA FOR TWO NIGHTS. AHHHHHHHHHH.

In other news, I really have sang every song about NYC today. My favorite being from “Annie”, and it’s totally awesomely relevant because I actually do have two bags and only three bucks, and one me. I just spent ten minutes crying to my mom about how I used to sing this song at the top of my lungs in the 4th grade, pretending I was on a stage in front of thousands. I wanted it so badly. I am a crying ball feelings and magic and never-ending gratitude that I get to live my dream.

I’m now officially back on the tour, and so happy to see everyone. I’ve also had some neat stuff happen back home. I have (finally!) finished the manuscript for my book. Really really. A lot behind schedule, but the physical copies should be in my hands by January! The incredible, extremely talented, Crystal Barbre is going to be doing sketches, and I feel so privileged to have her on this project. I’m also in the midst of planning a real, legit solo tour! My partner in crime, Rose McAleese, just got her book of poetry published! Rose and I have been friends since we were in Youth Speaks Seattle, an incredible poetry organization for young writers. Our show will consist of my songs, probably some bad jokes, booty-shaking, and both of our poems! Tour is shaping up to be on the East Coast between late January to early February. I’ll be posting shows as they are confirmed!

Here’s a dumb video of Wanz and I fresh off the plane:

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