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So Many Shenanigans My Babes & Gentlebabes!

Hello glorious babes and gentlebabes!

I am unicorn president of this website, and I feel like it’s been a long time since I waved a hello to you! HELLO!

I miss you!!! How are you?? Did you make any new friends or learn something exciting like quantum mechanics or a new state capital or hug your cute dog this week?!?! (The capital of Maine is Augusta just in case you didn’t do any of those things and felt sad or something. I got your back)

Exciting things are happening!

I want you to be in the haps of what is haps-ening!

Here’s a little update:

I’m working on my second collection of poetry!!! YAY!

Feelings Friday Poetry Writing Extravaganza was so much fun to share with you all and so helpful for my writing. I miss it already!! Luckily, April is National Poetry Writing Month or NaPoWriMo (because words are hard) and 30/30 began on the 1st! 30/30 is a poetry writing challenge (not a math thing) that asks you to write a poem every day for 30 days. I’m on Day 21, and KILLING IT SO HARD. You can join in halfway through if that kind of sick self discipline excites you too. Maybe I’ll post a poem!

I am a National Parks Ambassador!!!!

I was selected to be a Centennial Ambassador for their #FindYourPark campaign. I found mine in Boston and made this cute little video with some BFFs about it.

It is one of the coolest things I’ve ever been a part of. My friend, Tim and I went on a long walk in a park in Harrisburg last week and I saw deer and a pretty lake and I wore crocs because deer don’t care about fashion.

Two incredibly important organizations want to give me awards?!

I’m beyond humbled that Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrationare giving me awards. All I’ve ever dreamed of was to use my art, my music, my voice to shine light on issues that are important to me. That’s why such an honor to be recognized by these two entities who are doing amazing things to bring awareness to the cause. Thank you Didi Hirsch and SAMHSA for working tirelessly to bring an end to the stigma associated with mental health. Their work is so important. Without them, many people would be struggling to cope with daily tasks. By reaching out to organizations like that, people can receive amazing support and advice on how to deal with their mental issues. If these issues are causing too much disruption and you are no longer able to work, it might be worth looking at some Breeze insurance quotes for disabilities. If they are stopping you from working, then they would be classed as a disability. Reach out to get some advice.

I’m making a music video for “Ribcage” with my friend, Zoe Rain. I thought of the concept a couple of months ago, and now it’s really happening!! Of course, nothing this big happens without HELP. I’ve had so many generous people lend their time and energy, so a big


Jennifer O’Brien
Top Pot
Cupcake Royale
Alibi Room Greenwood
Naked City Brewery
Clever Bottle
Christina and Alexis Threlkeld from Beauty by Christina
Kaija Minstral
The Drouin Agency
Urban Light Studios

I joined a gym a couple months ago and it’s really fun!! I’m getting really good at the rowing machine and watching Shark Tank while I use the elliptical. Can I win an olympic medal for that?! Ellipticallizing?! Also I made polenta! I watched a cooking video and then I cooked it!! It was so exciting! We’ve been trying to cook fun things in our kitchen. I’ll keep you updated with the latest from our kitchen, because I’m sure you are burning with desire to know what we put in our pressure cooker (kale! All the kale!)

I’m going on tour with the Script! They are a bunch of cutie pies and I’m so excited to play music with them and cry backstage at how pretty their songs are. Here are a list of dates, and all ticket info is on my SHOWS tab!

I also have a few shows before then!! With Not The Script (please note: that’s not a band)

See you later, cuties. Thanks for being the best ever.

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