Hi, I’m Mary.
I like to sing and write songs and poems and dance (badly).

I’m probably most known for being the fat crying lady who sang and wrote “Same Love”, but that’s incredibly reductive.
I also cry at Trader Joe’s and the Post Office and in the shower.
I talk about things that are uncomfortable in my work because shame likes to hide in things that are uncomfortable,
and I believe that shame is the thief of joy.

Right now my heart is really in talking about fat bodies and how we view health. I’m working on a book about it and I also have a course on fat liberation, size acceptance, and self love. I’m so passionate about this work that I even do one-on-one coaching to help others navigate internalized body shame. Doing this work saved my life and has granted me a freedom I did not know was possible and it thrills me to help others make peace with their bodies.

I am currently starring in the new Netflix animated musical Arlo the Alligator Boy and the new series I ❤️️  Arlo!

Grief Creature, my most recent full length album is the most important piece of music I’ve ever made.
I produced & composed it myself and I cried a lot while I made it. The album centers around trauma and mental illness.
You’re welcome?? Hope you enjoy crying to the soundtrack of my trauma??

You can click here to listen.

I released a poetry collection, called Shame is an Ocean I Swim Across
in 2018. All the poems that I perform on Grief Creature that are also in this book.
These poems can be painful to read. 
You can order it here.

And of course I have a podcast & a patreon, I’m in my 30s!
The Manic Episodes is a podcast that I host whenever I have some extra time and have done a deep dive about something I want to share.

xoxoxoxoxo forever amen,