Crazy. Crazy. Crazy.
Seattle, Boston, New York, Toronto: all shows were AT CAPACITY. FOR REAL!?
What in the hell. I had to order more books for the other shows. I can’t thank you guys enough for coming to the shows, supporting me and the beautiful Rose McAleese, buying our merch, but most of all, sharing your stories with me.

We got our nails done. Well, I got my toesies. Rose discovered shellac, which has changed her life.
I don’t know how many times I’ve cried at these shows. I am overwhelmed; my heart is so big for you guys. To hear that women have reached out for treatment for their sexual abuse, for their eating disorders, to hear that both men and women have begun loving their bodies, have come out to their families– it’s like one massive cry in my hotel room, y’all.
New York was so lovely. After my mixed experiences on the Macklemore tour concerning New York City, I was apprehensive, but holy hell. Rose and I had an amazing time.
I discovered TopShop, which (of course) didn’t carry pants big enough to embrace all of my awesome booty (their loss), but they had some bangin’ shoes and jewelry. Which brings me to my next topic: I GOT A CHAIN, courtesy of Rose. Which also begs me to say to my curvy sisters- motherfucking TORRID. I have been shopping there for 4 years, and it has changed my life. I almost don’t shop anywhere else, besides thrift store finds, of course. Just wanted to throw that out there.
Rose McAleese and I are currently somewhat snowed-in in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. We were almost snowed-in at the border from Toronto, but escaped it early this morning which is lucky as it was beginning to look like we might have to break into our survival food supplies. We’re on our way to Washington D.C., where we have hella shows. 3 to be exact. So if you live in D.C., you gotta come, ok?
The one good thing about being in Harrisburg, PA, is that it’s right next to Hershey, PA, WHERE THE HERSHEY FACTORY IS LOCATED OMG. Needless to say, we’re taking a little detour tomorrow. I’ll be calling my dentist in advance.

As seen in Pennsylvania. WHERE DO I SIGN UP??
Last thing:
My book is now available online!!!
Whaaaaaaaa?! I’m working on the kindle thing. That’ll be later, okay, my boos?
These are our last shows on the tour:
Shirlington, VA-
Monday February 4, 8- 10 pm
Busboys and Poets Shirlington
251 Campbell Avenue Arlington, VA 22206
Washington, DC
2/5/2013, 9- 11 pm
Busboys and Poets 14th & V
2021 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20009
Busboys and Poets 5th & K
2/6/2013 9- 11 pm
1025 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20001
Rochester, NY
House Show!
(Contact [email protected] for address and details)
Ottawa, ON
The Rainbow Bistro
9:30/ $5
Montreal, QC
Le Cagibi
8:30/ $5
Burlington, VT
Radio Bean
7:00/ FREE